Are We All Homeless?

My husband and I couldn’t wait for the movie Same Kind of Different as Me to come out. I reviewed the book last year and really enjoyed it. It got me thinking so much about homeless people.

The movie was based on the book and didn’t focus on the parts of the book I would have, yet the story was just as powerful. The director chose what to emphasize and that was the homeless man. His story and how his life was changed by the one persistently caring woman is a lesson for us all.

This is a true story and by choosing to care about one homeless man, so many lives were changed and I am not talking about just the homeless. I can’t give away what happens to the characters, you will need to read the book or watch the movie. I also need to give you a spoiler alert-bring tissues.

There were some key messages for us all. Kindness can change lives. These characters helped each other to be better people. Sometimes we don’t immediately see how what we do affects others, both good and bad.  A smile can change a person’s day. Not judging people by appearance or their life situation can help those less fortunate.

I have to admit, being around homeless people seems a bit scary. I know from personal contact at our church rummage sale, they are not all friendly. But what I have come to realize is they are just like me. I’m probably not friendly when just going to a sale. The same must be for those served in a soup kitchen or homeless center. Until we have a relationship established, we aren’t friendly. Relationships take time.

In the movie some of characters tell their tragic stories. Grief, job loss, illness or a number of life events often started a series of events that went out of control.

I understand that. Life has tossed me a few curves and faith was the only thing that kept me going.

Do you realize that when Jesus started his ministry, he was homeless? He never worried where he was going to sleep or what he would be eating. Think about it – he walked everywhere, too. That had to be difficult.

He said we are all homeless.

Denver made a statement that was so powerful and really got me thinking. He said we are all homeless. As a Christian, I believe that to be true. My home really is my heavenly home.

How about you? How do you feel about his statement? Makes you really think doesn’t it.

The Christmas season is here. Think about where Jesus was born. He wasn’t born in what was considered a home. His life wasn’t about things. It was always relationship.

Let the Christmas season be a time to help those less fortunate. In the movie, love and compassion changed the lives of so many people. The best part about it is in giving we receive so much more. Ready to receive some blessings?




About Linda Buice

I am a retired elementary teacher. I am an avid reader and am pursuing a Christian writing career. My faith and family are extremely important to me. My thoughts on this blog are meant to encourage others in their later years.
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