Refreshing New Novel

Beth Moore is one of my favorite Bible study authors. I love doing her studies because they help me to a deeper level of understanding of  God’s word. They are well researched and can always be applied to my own life.

undoing-of-saint-silvanusI was surprised when I heard she had written a novel although I have several of her nonfiction books. I know she is a great writer, but she has never written a novel. I ordered a copy as soon as possible.

Her novel is entitled the UNDOING of SAINT SILVANUS. I must say, I was not disappointed. Beth has always been a creative person. While doing her studies I found her so funny and clever. At times she has read some of her poems and writings that fit in and I admired how gifted she was.

Her novel did not disappoint me at all. I have read countless Christian fiction novels and for her first attempt, I was amazed. It has all the makings of a good Christian novel while having both mystery and romance tied into the plot. You will fall in love with all the characters and will not want to put the book down.

Last Friday night Tyndale Publishing hosted a webinar book club featuring Beth. She explained how the book came about, how the characters developed, and even why she picked the setting. As a writer myself, I was intrigued. She was funny and the whole book process described was a reminder to me that we all have a story to share. Our lives intersect with so many people every day. It was interesting to hear about the women who influenced and encouraged her writing of this book and also the characters.

The best part about the webinar was when we got to vote on the actors we wanted to play each character in a movie. While I didn’t agree with all the choices, I could visualize each one in the roles. I

I would highly recommend this novel and I hope this was just the first of many more.